
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Clow Cards/Sakura Cards Mini Guessing Game

Aside from doing fortune readings, I was able to devise a simple but fun mini guessing game that you could play with your friends with the use of your clow/sakura cards. ;)

First, I categorized the 52 Cards into Persons, Objects and Animals.


Pick at least 6 cards from each category. We will only use 6 cards each because the Animal category has only 6 cards. So we should have 18 cards all in all. After deciding which cards to use, set aside the remaining cards. 

So now that we're ready, here's how to play:

MECHANICS: (There must be at least 2 to 4 players to play this game. )

1. Shuffle the cards first. One player will pick 3 cards from the top of your selected deck (18 cards) and lay them face down. 

2. The other players will pick their own card and guess what category their card belongs to. 

3. The player who guesses right gets to keep the card.

4. Repeats steps 1 to 3 until you have the winner. The first person to get 5 correct guesses or 5 cards is the winner.

5. The losing players take turns in dealing the cards. 

I know it's quite a simple game but it's quite fun really. I played it with kids and I had so much fun. *lol*

*I'll add pictures later for reference. :)

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