
Monday, June 15, 2015

Supports are Underrated

I just want to rant about a particular rank game that I had earlier in League of Legends. *sigh* My role in this kind of game is to support. I sometimes play as ad/ap carry but most of the time, I prefer contributing to team fights and saving people's butts. I am not a selfish support and I'm always ready to dive in team fights whenever necessary just to get my team mates to safety. So earlier I played as Leona with a Caitlyn in the bottom lane. Just when we re-spawned, I was immediately told by Cait to be a good support so I can "carry" her. I just told her to play safe and we'll be fine. We were against Cho gath and Lucian and when I reached level 2, Cait was already telling me to engage and stun someone. That's fine with me but I prefer to play safe until we reach level 6 and get decently geared. But this Cait.. is just greedy and selfish as hell. She plays aggressively (in a wrong way) and got ourselves in trouble most of the time. During early levels, she engaged with our lane opponents and almost got killed. I immediately flashed to protect her and to prevent her from being fed but instead  of teleporting back, she refuses to listen and gets her self slain. This scenario happened several times during the game. I was desperately trying to protect her and get kills for her but what.. she tells me that I'm a useless/stupid support because I don't stun. Of course I know how to use my skills at the right time. I just don't stun for poking.  Good thing our Jungler, Nocturne knows that I'm the one who was doing my role properly. Cait was wandering aimlessly for most of the game and got herself chased by everyone from the enemy team. She even dared to go against Zed 1v1. -_- *sigh* Fortunately, we won the game with my score or 3/6/11 and Cait with 1/8/something. *sigh* No matter how great a support is, if the carry doesn't do well then you can't win fights. I just hope carries will realize that supports are there to "enhance/increase" the chances of successfully winning in games. There are times when we need to sacrifice ourselves to secure kills/victory for our team. But meaningless deaths are not okay. I love supporting people, I feel satisfied whenever I get to save a life and to help other players. I just hope that others will appreciate that. :( I'm playing from PH Sever by the way.

1 comment:

  1. getting killed for your adr saves them from being fed but sometimes don't sacrifice yourself too much. if they were still having that "bad game", get some pretty damage yourself and carry your carry! they weren't worth your support haha. just passin' by :)
